
Louisville is often recognized for its
livability, quality of life, and positive economic conditions.
The town of Louisville dates back to the start of the Welch Mine in 1877, the first coal mine in an area of Boulder and Weld counties known as the Northern Coalfield. The town was named for Louis Nawatny, a local landowner who platted his land and named it for himself. Incorporation came several years later, in 1882. The Northern Coalfield proved to be highly productive, and eventually some 30 different mines operated within the current boundaries of Louisville, though not all at the same time. Mining generally took place in winter months since that was the period that demanded fuel for heating. During the summers the miners played in local baseball leagues with the home field named "Miners Field”. Eventually the coal remaining in the Northern Coalfield became increasingly uneconomical to mine, and the last coal mines operating in Louisville closed in the 1950s.
When you visit Historic Downtown today you will find 100 year old wooden buildings lining Main, Front, and Pine streets. This frames an area that is home to over 100 businesses and a thriving art scene with galleries, studios, and live music almost every night of the week. The Museum is Downtown; so is City Hall and the Public Library. Enjoy one of Louisville’s personality filled pubs. Peruse their unique shops. Dine at one of their award-winning restaurants. Catch one of the only-in-Louisville events. The five square blocks that comprise Historic Downtown Louisville have pretty much everything a person could want, including a soul-soothing and authentic small town American experience.
Louisville, Colorado is just 9 miles down US 36 from Boulder. It has an elevation of 5,335 foot with a population of 20,801 (2016) and those who do not, will find that it is a quick commute to work. Louisville is 9 miles from Erie and 6 miles from Broomfield. Access to Denver from Highway 36.